Monday Good News: Animal Adventures

I don’t know about you guys, but I really love hearing great things about animals. Animals can be the most innocent life forms on the planet; just enjoying life and looking cute doing it. So, here’s ten stories from the past week to fulfil your need of good news about animals – I’d say at least half of them are about dogs, but dogs have just done some great things recently. 


  1. Dog survives Italian Earthquake.


Romeo, the golden retriever, wasn’t looking good, but was ultimately unharmed when he was pulled out from the rubble by Italian firefighters nine days after the initial earthquake. His owners believed he’d died in the central Italy quake, but heard muffled barking when returning to their flattened home to pick up their remaining belongings. After being saved, Romeo was running around, wagging his tail, and given many strokes and pats.

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